This is the first chicken coop, built from scratch .
Turns out this is real as hunger and no shoes, fresh water or hope.
Pictured are some fine birds at The Ranch! Hang on, the story is coming and it's a great one with a whole cast of real characters!
(Don't you love the speckled ones?)
What Will this Accomplish?
Ghana is very poor. Moro inherited some land from his father. He contacted me through and after a bout a year, I believed him. He wants to provide a way to for his neighbors to support themselves. The ranch will provide jobs and education for children of whom you'll meet in these posts, many don't even have shoes. With very little, we were able to provide some income from the locals who harvested and cut the wood to make the chicken coop to others who supply water. The goods purchased locally provide some activity to the local economy.
You will hear from Morro about his vision. You're going to love and respect him!
We hope you'll subscribe so you'll get updates as they're posted.
We didn't get involved with this for any reason other than once I knew this was real it was something I could help accomplish. Although everything in this world has to do with the ocean, it's a little out of our wheelhouse. It's not related to getting kids with special needs out on the ocean but it's worth it.
It's turned into a very rewarding experience and we're going to share it with everybody. Moro is doing such a good job he already is expanding. Any help in acquiring needed items is greatly appreciated!